Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Three Month Post

Today officially marks my 3 months abroad. I only have 5 days left before I fly home. That seems absolutely insane. I feel like I just left home. I know when I get home on Monday it is all going to feel like a dream. I am so sad that I have to leave so soon. I have learned so much about myself and the world in the past 3 months. I have definitely matured and become more independent.

The past month has flown by even quicker than the last two. I have finished school and have been taking in so much of the London. I finished all my traveling to other countries this month. I have completed my bucket list minus one or two things that I don't have time to get to. I am so happy that I have had this week to really enjoy London. I did not have to worry about my school work since I budgeted my time so well. This entire experience has been life changing. I know that unless you have lived it you wont understand but I can tell that I have changed and grown up. Once I return home I will be a senior in college. That sounds so scary. I am going to start applying  for internships and looking into grad schools. I have realized how many doors and opportunities are open for me now.

I am not going to ramble on about everything I have learned because I will do that in my final post Monday night.I have to start packing in the next few days which I keep pushing off. I am excited to go home and see my friends and family but I am heart broken that this dream of mine is ending so quickly. I am going to enjoy my last few days that I have with my friends in London and enjoy this city that I have grown to love while I still can. 5 more days, that literally is insane.


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