Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fuller's Brewery Tour

On Monday, API had a bonus event for us. They took us on  tour of Fuller's Brewery. We got to wear awesome bright colored vests on the tour. We learned all about the beer making process. Fullers Brewery has been around since 1845. We learned all about the ingredients that go into making beer as well as walking though the factory. They had some of the old copper equipment which was really cool. Our tour guide talked to us about how beer use to be made and how it is made now with new equipment. Beer is made with 4 main ingredients, hobs, barley, yeast, and water. We got to smell different types of hobs and barley to see the differences and learned about what they different types do to the beer. It was a pretty interesting tour. I had never toured a brewery so it was cool to learn about how beer is made.

After the tour we got a chance to sample 8 different types of their products. You didn't have to try all of them but I decided to. I liked some better than others. My favorite was Jack Frost which is there winter seasonal ale. They also have an organic ale called Honey Dew which contains honey and was a little sweeter. I never use to like beer but I had definitely acquired more of a taste to it since being abroad. I am definitely more partial to light beers or ciders but I did liked Guinness when I tried it in Ireland which everyone says is kind of weird since im not a beer drinker. We laughed at the fact that it was 3:30 on a Monday afternoon and we had drank a decent amount. I guess it's 5:00 somewhere.

I also went to see Les Miserables last night. The show was amazing and I am really excited for the movie to come out. The premier is in London on Wednesday and I plan on going. It should be pretty cool especially since there is a really good cast. Tonight I am going to see Mamma Mia which I am so excited for. The movie is one of my favorites and I sure the Musical is better. I am trying to fit in as much theater as possible out here since tickets are so cheap. I will see Matilda next week and that will be my final show. I am doing my best to fill all my time left with different cultural things. I am not sure I am going to get to my entire bucket list because most of the things left cost money which I am a little low on but I'll manage for the next two weeks. It just gives me a reason to come back and more things to do on that return!


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