Friday, December 28, 2012

The Final Post: The Transition Back to America

I have official been home for about a week and a half. I have gotten over jet lag and seen all my friends and family. It took me much longer to get over jet lag than I anticipated. For almost a week, I would be ready to pass out by 8:30 at night and could not get myself to sleep past 8 in the morning. It was very nice to sleep in my own bed though.

It was great to see almost my whole family on Christmas Eve. I loved answering everyone's questions and being able to tell everyone all about my amazing experience. I have also had a lot of time to hang out with my friends. Ashley, Megan, and Erin leave this coming week for their study abroad adventures. I hope that they have just as amazing of a time as I did. Also, nothing says Welcome Back to Northbridge other than awkward High School run ins. I have definitely had my fair share of those in the past week but coming back to a small town at Christmas time, it was expected.

I miss living in London though. I have only been home for a week and have found myself bored on more than one occasion. In London, I could always find something to do even if it was just exploring the markets. I hope that I can find an internship for the summer in a city. I definitely enjoyed living in the city and hopefully I can live in one again for a little bit someday. I also miss my friends from London. It's weird to not see them all the time after seeing them almost everyday for 3 months. It was nice to have them around at a moments notice if I wanted to go out and adventure somewhere in London.My home friends are around but there isn't much for us to do.

It is nice to have my car back and stuff like that. Being home definitely has its perks. I am pretty broke but I applied to be a substitute teacher in Grafton so hopefully I will work a few times over break and then I have my regular job at Plymouth.

I definitely miss being in London and can't wait till I can afford to go back. I read over API's tips on coming back home and was surprised at how true some of the adjustment tips were. I found myself hating America during my first few days home. Living in Europe is much different than living in America. The adjustment to life back at home was much more difficult than adjusting to London. When I left home I was excited for the adventure but coming home was heartbreaking because I have no idea when I will be going back. I cried during take off and again when the border control guy handed me back my passport and said "Welcome home, Allison" and then again when I saw my family. It was weird the different emotions I had that day.

I am excited to go back to Plymouth and see my school friends. Now being home is not as bad as the first few days. I am back into the regular grove of American life. It's crazy how much London and my adventures through Europe seem like a dream. I keep looking at my pictures to remind myself that it really happened. It was such an amazing experience. I can't wait to scrapbook my trip and have that keepsake. I now realize how many options I have available for me in my life. I can't wait to explore them and see what my next adventure brings to me. I am so thankful that I was able to experience studying abroad and in London, a city that I totally fell in love with. It really was the best decision I have ever made.

I would like to thank everyone for following my adventure. I hope you enjoyed reading my blogs as much as I enjoyed writing them. I really had the best 3 months I could have ever asked for. It was the best dream I could have ever made come true.


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