Thursday, December 13, 2012

Farewell API

API was my study abroad program for this semester. I could not be more happy with my experience with them. Rachel and Carmen were our advisers. They were absolutely amazing. Both of them were so personable and you could tell they love their job and have our best interests in mind. They planned some very good events and excursions and made sure they were all fun and enjoyable. I am so happy with my decision to study with API. They offered a lot of extra things and guidance while we were over here along with wonderful preparation packets. They really made the adjustment here easy.

Tonight was the farewell dinner for the fall semester. It was so sad saying goodbye to Rachel, Carmen, and the rest of our group. I became the closest with people from API. The group as a whole was a fun, out going group and we all got a long so well. Most of my group of friends live close to each other at home which is great. We will still be able to see each other. It is crazy to see how close we got in only 3 months. None of us knew each other before this trip. We experienced so much together and really got to know one another. I can't imagine meeting a better group of people to experience being abroad with.

Before dinner tonight, Colleen, Caitlyn, Kelly, Meg, Morgan, Taylor, Sarah, and I had a bottle of wine and did a small toast to our trip. After dinner, we all came back with Roxanne and just hung out. Most people leave on Saturday so tonight was basically our last night since they all have to be up early and will go to bed early tomorrow night. We are all going to Breakfast Club in the morning as a final farewell to each other. We had to say goodbye to Roxanne tonight though since her mom is coming to London in the morning so she won't be at breakfast. These goodbye's are so sad. We will all never be in London together again but hopefully we will all still keep in touch. Reuniting spring break in New Orleans and Miami?!

As sad as it will be to make our final goodbyes, I am so happy to have met these girls. They made the trip so much more fun and added to my experience. We all remember when we first left home, being nervous about making friends and not fitting in. We spent a lot of tonight laughing and reminiscing on our first feelings of coming abroad and the last three months. I can not believe that it is time to say goodbye to these amazing people. API and my friends truly made this an amazing experience that I will forever remember. It's not goodbye, it's see you later.


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