Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Les Miserables Premiere

Tonight was the Les Miserables Premiere in Leicester Square. Colleen and I went. We got their slightly late because our class ran over, of course on the one night we had some place to be. It was packed when we got there but everyone knows me, I pushed through the crowed and got to a really good spot right at the beginning of the red carpet where the cars drop off the celebrities. I saw Russell Crowe, Isla Fisher (Sacha Baron Cohen's wife), and Helena Bonham Carter (Bellatrix Lestrange in Harry Potter) from here. I also saw and got Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat) and Tom Hooper's (The Director) autographs. It was really hard to get good pictures because they walked so fast and always had a body guard or someone around them standing in the way but I did my best. I was upset I didn't see Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, or Hugh Jackmen.

Russell Crowe pulling up

Tom Hooper

Isla Fisher

 It seemed that all the celebrities had arrived so Colleen and I decided to move to a different area closer to the stage the celebrities were getting interviewed on. This is where I saw Anne Hathaway and  Amanda Seyfried. I never did end up seeing Hugh Jackman. I mostly saw the back of Amanda Seyfried's head while she was on stage but had a better view when Anne Hathaway was talking. It was so cool to be a premiere! Seeing all the different stars was awesome. I wish I had gone to a few more while I was here.

Anne is the one behind the worker guy

After all the celebrities were in the premiere, I decided to ask one of the people working about how started working there and what I needed to do to become a part of it. As some people know my life dream is to help with the behind the scenes work of the CMA's. I know its a big goal. Working for premiers would be so cool as well. Event management really is what I want to be doing. They said that it is all about experience. They told me to work many different events not to just settle on one to begin with. The more you work, the more people you meet, and eventually you will find an event that you love putting on. I asked if they had a card or anything for someone for me to contact but they didn't. I did get some good advice from them though. I am going to look really hard for an amazing internship for next summer and really get into event management. Who knows, maybe I can get an internship back out in London next summer and I can help with the premiers. How cool would that be?!


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