Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Final Post from London

My flight takes off in approximately 9 hours. I am all packed and have seen all the sights for a final time. I can't believe this day has actually come. It feels like just yesterday I was headed to the airport nervous, excited, and not knowing what to expect from the next three months. It feels like last night I was on the river boat cruise, my favorite night of the trip, so happy and not believing that for the next three months my life would be lived in London. I now have to board a plane and leave this amazing city that I am so happy to have called my home.

London has given me an amazing three months. I am so happy with my decision to study here. I might not have liked the school system but when it comes right down to it, the abroad part of study abroad is way more important than the study. I learned so much about myself the past three months. I have matured and become more independent. London surprised me in so many ways. I became fascinated with British history and weird little facts about the places I was visiting. I have never really been a big fan of history before this. I knew I would like London but before I left home I was so nervous about living in a city, something totally out of my comfort zone, and making new friends. I never expected that I would fall in love with this place and be so sad to leave. I figured I would be so homesick and ready to go home. I have learned that I am homesick for the people not the environment.

I have been to 6 different countries in the past three months. I traveled through Italy in a week, partially on my own. I have been to at least 10 different towns, cities, and suburbs of England alone. I have seen and experienced so much of the world. Each trip I took was different and unique in its own way. I have been to countries where I couldn't speak the language and figured out how to get around. I tried so many different types of food as well. I know Grandpa was with me during this trip because my sweet tooth has been going crazy, especially in Italy. I am so happy my friends and I decided to book all our trips on our own. We were forced to figure out how to travel through Europe and we did it multiple times, without any major issues and at a pretty decent price. I am amazed at how well we did.

Living in London itself has given me more independence. I am amazed at how comfortable I am with walking around this city alone, how easily I can maneuver my way around the tube, and how well I can navigate my way through the city by foot. I used to be so nervous to go out anywhere big on my own. London has for sure changed that. I saw so much of London and England in general. London has so much to offer. I finished my  bucket list plus or minus a few things. I went to the theatre a lot which is a big part of London cultural. It was worth the amount of money I donated to the the London Theatre industry.  If I had more time here there are definitely more things I could do that I didn't have time for. I could not be happier with this decision. I am sure I would have liked any other city I decided to study in but London was definitely the right choice for me. Coming home from Ireland was the first time I remember really referring to London as home. As much as I enjoyed Ireland I was so excited to go home to London.

I have met some amazing people out here. I could not be happier with the friends I have made. We all got a long so well. We never had any drama and just spent the three months getting to know each other and experiencing life abroad. I got lucky with my flat mates. We also got along so well especially compared to some other peoples flats. My closest friends were from API. Most of us live close enough to see each other at home but even those who live farther away we plan on keeping in touch with. We made a Facebook group to help keep us in contact. I can't wait till we get a chance to have a reunion. This trip would not have been the same without this group of girls. Each trip turned into a different adventure. Colleen and I traveled everywhere together aside from my first half of Italy. She was such a good partner in crime as we liked to say. Saying goodbye to everyone on Friday was so sad but we will all see each other again. I am so grateful to have found this group of girls to experience life abroad with.

I am still in shock that it is already time to leave. Everyone said this semester would go by fast and even though I knew it would, I never expected it to go by as fast as it did. As I sit here and reflect on the past 3 months, I cannot be more grateful for what I have experienced. I can honestly say that these have been the best 3 months of my life. I have never been so happy and felt so blessed to be able to take advantage of an opportunity like study abroad. I hope that I can convince others to go abroad because it really is a life changing experience that is worth every penny.

As I board the plane and wait for it to take off I will continue to think about how amazing the past 3 months have been. It is hard to believe that it all actually happened. I know I am going to cry as the plane takes off. I hate that I have to leave this amazing place and not know when I will be returning. I will be back someday though. I have fallen in love with this city and there is no way I will never return. London will forever have a part of my heart.

My adventure does not end here. I will post once more in about week and fill everyone in on my adjustment back in the States. I feel like it is going to be harder then my adjustment to London but I guess we won't know until I actually get on the plane and go home. Goodbye London, thank you for the greatest adventure and three months of my entire life. It really has been a dream come true.


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