Sunday, November 11, 2012

Westmnister Abbey (November 9)

I am beginning to cross more things off my London bucket list. Colleen, Caitly, Kelly, Caitlyn's friend Callie, and I toured Westminster Abbey on Friday. Outside the abbey was a veterans memorial. Thanking veterans is a big this out here at the beginning of November. Everyone is wearing poppy flower pins and every tube has someone passing them out and looking for donations. Westminster Abbey is where all the royal coronations and royal weddings happen. It was much different than I expected. I assumed it would be set up much like a church but it wasn't. The high alter was smaller than I expected but it was still beautiful. Most of the Abbey has tombs of kings, queens, and other political figures of England. It has a section of monuments of different writers and poets as well. It took us about an hour and a half to walk through and listen to the commentary on our audio guides. It was interesting to hear about the different people buried their. The ceiling and architecture was once again beautiful. It really is amazing the work that went into all these buildings so long ago. The tombs were amazing. Most of them were carved out of wood. I laughed and said that I made one of them in wood shop. If only I was that talented.We were not suppose to take pictures inside but I managed to snap a few.

Westminster Abbey was definitely a beautiful church. I loved the stain glass windows and the high alter was beautiful. I can only imagine being able to get married in any of the churches I have been in. I like that each church I have been to has been different. The architecture is different along with the layouts of the church. I am sure this will not be the last one I see but I can definitely say I have seen my fair share of amazing churches on this trip.


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