Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A few days in Plymouth, England

I went to visit Kenny in Plymouth, England from Sunday till Tuesday. My Aunt and Uncle said it was a nice area and with him living there it made it convenient to go see the area. Unfortunately, I didn't get the best weather but it was still nice and I could tell that it must be a really pretty if it was not raining.

I took the train down on Sunday and got there around 4:00. It was a 3 and a half hour ride so I was able to write a paper which made me feel a little less stressed about all the work I have. We had a relaxing night just watching TV. To be honest, it was kinda nice. I have not sat on a couch and watched TV since I left home. My flat does not have a common area or a TV. It was nice to just relax for a little and not worry about school work.

On Monday, Kenny, Matt, Matt's friend Melissa, and I did a bit of sight seeing. We went do to the Hoe and the Marina area. I saw the Mayflower steps and memorial. It was pretty fitting considering Thanksgiving is tomorrow. We decided to be adventurous even tough it was raining, We walked on some of the paths near the water, climbed some rocks, found a cave, all trying not to slip. It was pretty fun actually. I wish it was a bit clearer of a day because the area was pretty and I am sure it is better when there is no fog and rain. We went to a club Monday night which was fun until I got seperated and I had to find my way back on my own but I managed it and was fine.

Tuesday was pretty relaxing as well. Kenny had class so Matt, Melissa and I hung out. We took a walk and got coffee. There was some man singing to get people to buy the paper or whatever it was the he was selling. It was actually pretty fun because he was just making things up and then would laugh at himself. I took the train back Tuesday night which ended up taking way longer than it should have. The train took almost an extra 40 minutes and then of course the tube was backed up. I got back to my room around 10:00.

It was a pretty good few days and I am glad I went. One thing I learned though is that I am definitely happy with my decision of choosing a city as my study abroad location. Plymouth is a small town just like everywhere at home. Kenny's apartment was just like ones I find around campus at home. My flat might not be the greatest but I like that it is a different living environment than what I will live in once I move back to PSU. I also have a lot more to do and can easily fill my time seeing different parts of the city. My cost of living is much higher but for three months its worth it. London was definitely the right choice for me. I have one more travel weekend before I spend my last few weeks in London. I can't believe how little time I have left here. Stay tuned for my last few week adventures!


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