Friday, November 9, 2012


This week I had my first feelings of being homesick. It was not a good feeling. I was very over tired after all of my traveling so I think that had something to do with it. I also think that seeing Andrea and Kenny made me think about home more. I am skyping with my family on Sunday which will be really good and hopefully I can skype with my friends soon. I have a little over a month left which is absolutely crazy. I still have so much I want to do in London before I leave. I know when the time comes I am going to be sad to leave but I also know I will be excited to go home. I hope that this week is the only time I feel homesick. I hated feeling that way. It's not that I want to go home. Its more I just miss certain people and would like to see them. I think that if my family or some of my friends were coming out to visit me, I would not have gotten this feeling. Luckily, I have made some really good friends here which I think helps. It was so nice to see people from home last week too. I definitely needed that little piece of home even if it made me feel homesick. The time difference has also made it more complicated to talk to people. Having different schedules can make it hard enough but the 5 hour difference makes it even more complicated. I usually have to stay up extra late but I don't mind at all. Its good that it took me so long to even get slightly homesick but I hope that this week is the only time I feel it. I only have a month left of my dream. I have to live it up!


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