Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Culture Shock

I feel as though I adjusted very well to my life in London. I got comfortable in my area of the city quickly and can easily maneuver my way around the city on the tube. I can also figure out my way when walking but sometimes half the fun of that is wandering around and seeing where it takes you. I feel like I am going to go home with so much knowledge of the city of London and have nothing to do with it. London and Europe in general is so much different than the States. School is different but I have already mentioned that. Markets are a big part of the culture out here. We do not have any markets at home, we just go to the mall. PDA is unreal out here. I was in shock at first because everyone thinks that Americans can be slutty. I do not think there has been one day  have been out that I have not seen a couple making out on a street corner or in the tube way to inappropriately. It's kinda funny actually.

One huge difference is the drinking age. I am aloud to drink and buy alcohol over here, I don't even get carded unless I am walking into a bar at night. I was carded when buying a lighter however and my fried was carded for buying knives in a kitchen set. It is so weird the things you get carded for out here. I love talking to people from around the country in  my classes. They are amazed by things I tell them about the US and I am shocked by what they tell me about their countries, especially when it comes to school.

I feel like I am going to have a bigger culture shock going back home as weird as that might sounds. I am so use to the hustle and bustle of the city. Honestly, I really enjoy it. I won't have a half hour commute to class and I will actually have to do school work which there is very little of out here. I will be back in the small town setting that I grew up in. I am very curious as to how I will adjust to being back home. I have 2 months before I figure it out and in no way do I want it to fly by. I have way to much to still explore out here before my adventure ends.


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