Thursday, October 4, 2012

So There is this Thing Called School

So I haven't said much about school over here in London. I have had 2 weeks of classes now (which for me is only 4 days of my entire time over here). I only have 8 weeks of classes left. The fall semester over here is only 12 weeks long. Two of these 12 weeks are called "reading weeks." We do not have classes during week 6 or week 12. (So naturally I have booked a trip to Italy during my week 6 reading week.) I feel like I do so little school here. I thought 2 days of classes would be awesome and it is, don't get me wrong, but I also do not feel like I am totally in school mode. I am so excited to travel and do other things that school sometimes slips my mind. I am hoping that this won't continue for the next 8 weeks as I get into assignments.

Classes here are much different then in the States. Each module has a lecture with your module leader and a seminar with a tutor. Lectures are so boring and I am glad I do not not normally have to take them at home. Seminars are more like my classes at home. College here is usually 3 years not 4. It gets confusing when people ask me what year I am in because in the States I am a 3rd year so over here it is assumed that I am graduating. The first year of classes you take "level 4" courses your grades in these modules only count for about 5% of you GPA so students tend to slack and not try as hard. This level is also suppose to be easier and more of a subject overview. Second years take level 5 classes and third years take level 6. Level 6 classes are the hardest and have the most work. I am in two level 4 classes and two level 5 classes. My level 5 classes are heavy in group work. One of my level 4 classes "The Role of a Manager" seems like it is going to be the hardest however.

Each class only has 2 assessments that will make up my final grade. My theater class (level 4) only has a paper at the end aside from my weekly trips to the theater. The Role of the Manager has a paper and a final, in class, closed book test which will be during the second reading week. My two level 5 courses, The Global Markets and Marketing Research, each have a paper and a group presentation along with my final. Finals over here occur in May for all courses taken over the year. Since I am an exchange student I get a different final which will just be an essay on a topic from the semester. It is so weird how different all of this is. I can't imagine having to take a final in May on a course I haven't had since December.

My school has a large portion of exchange students. It's so weird to think of me as the exchange student but I am. The first day of each seminar we went around and said where we were from. It is crazy the different countries that are represented in my seminars of 25 people. I have gotten to meet many different people from across the globe and I am working with them in groups. We all bring something different to the table since we have different backgrounds. Its actually really cool and I think I will learn a lot.

One of the nice things about being abroad is I only need a C in each class to get credits back at Plymouth. My courses here do not go towards my GPA and strictly just give me credits. I only need a 40 to pass each class with a C. Now I know what you're thinking, a 40 is nothing and I normally do much better than that but in England courses are out of 70% not 100%. I still do not think it is going to be difficult to achieve the 40 but I have to remember I don't get participation and attendance points over here. My grade is strictly based on papers and presentations. Classes are much different then I had anticipated.

Well now that I have probably confused everyone with the Education system over here, I will leave it at that. For the most part I like my classes. They are pretty interesting. I just hope I can start getting my head in the game and not put assignments off considering I do not have much free time this month. I am here for school as much as I would like to pretend I'm not.


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