Sunday, October 7, 2012

Stonehenge and the Roman Baths

Yesterday, API brought us to see Stonehenge and Bath. Both of these sights are famous in England and not to far from London. We were up bright and early to catch our bus. We went to Stonehenge first. To be honest its was pretty underwhelming. It is cool to say I have seen it and to have the pictures though. A lot of the information given from the head-set tour is myth. No one actually has an answer to why the stones are there or how they got it. For the most part it was just "Some people believe this" and "Someone thinks that". There is some history behind the stones but most of it is just speculation. You can not walk right up to the stones either. We only stayed at Stonehenge for an hour before heading to Bath.

Bath was beautiful! The first thing we did was walk through the Roman Baths. They were really pretty and all the artifacts throughout the museum were really interesting.  The city around the baths was beautiful as well. I have found that one of my favorite things to do in London and anywhere else I go is look at the architecture of the buildings. These buildings have been around for thousands of years. The detail into the architecture is amazing. You can not find anything like it in the States. Walking around Bath, I felt like I was in Italy which would make sense considering they were Roman Baths. After walking through the Baths we had some free time for lunch and to walk around and then Carmen, one of our API group leaders, walked us up to the Crescent. This is where the rich people of Bath live. There was a park in front where everyone was out playing or just sitting on the grass. The rich people did not want their view to be obstructed by the city so they built this park. Personally, I think it was a great idea.

Overall it was a good day. I never feel bored while I am here. There is just so much to do and see. The more area's I explore, the more I love London. I have been here for almost a month which is crazy! It has flown by but definitely has been one of the greatest months of my life.


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