Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Packing Up and Heading Out

It is crazy to think that in an hour I am leaving for the airport. I have dreamed of studying abroad since Junior year of high school after I traveled to France and Spain. I am finally all packed and ready to go. I have said my goodbye's to all my friends and most of my family. It all seems so surreal. 

The past week has been crazier than I thought it would be. I have gone through all the up's and down's of leaving. The amount of times I repacked my suitcase or realized I forgot something and made another trip to Walmart was unreal. But I managed to fit all of my stuff into one suite case which is crazy considering what I usually bring to school. 

The goodbye's have been the hardest. I have said goodbye to everyone important to me. I went up to school to visit my roommates. It's so weird thinking I won't be living with them this semester or even taking classes with all my friends. I said goodbye to my home friends before they went to school. It is weird to think I wont see them for three months and we thought going off to college was hard. I have seen most of my cousins and my grandma and will say bye to my immediate family tonight. 

I am so anxious to board the plan and begin this journey that I have been saving for and planning for over a year. My study abroad dream is finally coming true!

I hope you enjoy my blog as I update everyone on my trip. I will post again soon but for now I need to finish getting ready. I'm off to London!


1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I am so proud of you for following through with your dream<3
