Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fallen in Love

I have literally fallen in love with the city of London. I have never been so happy in my entire life as I was tonight on the boat cruise. London is the most beautiful city I have ever been to and when all the lights go on at night it becomes so breathtaking that the only thing I wanted to do was stare at Big Ben, The Tower Bridge, The London Eye, and the rest of the city. I took so many pictures of the same thing tonight but a picture simply does not capture the pure beauty of just staring. I honestly think I could have stayed on that boat for hours just looking off into the city. I wanted to soak up every moment that I was on that boat. This is the third time I have "pinched" myself as my mom would say. But tonight I pinched myself hard. I cannot believe I am living in London for the next three months. The past week has been crazy but I can honestly say I have never been happier. I want to bottle up this feeling forever because it is honestly the best feeling anyone can experience. 

I always dreamed of studying abroad but I never expected it to be this amazing. I know it's very cliche to say that study abroad changed my life and to say how amazing it is but until you actually experience it, no one will understand. Tonight was definitely the most amazing night so far. It was like a dream come true. I now understand why people study abroad and never come home. I am totally and completely in love with this city. It has stolen my heart.

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